Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Baby Girl Twin

Amongst the all relatives more than 30 families
The 1st twins baby appear at my cousin sister's family...
And yesterday they first time came to my house...
Is my first time saw them too...
They now already almost three months...
The eldest sister just born 7 minutes early...
Their smile and crying are quite same...
Their bath and drink milk time similar too...
Have a twin baby girl really is fun and full of joy...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I'm having my wonderful holiday now...
Hooray...have one month...
A long holiday for me...
I'm gonna plan many things to do...
Hang out with friends at my hometown and Penang...
Have a big shopping...
But the most important is have a enough rest...
Really need take more rest expecially after exam...
So I will have a nice trip home...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Study Skills...1st Dec 2008

I answer well on this paper...
Wooh...Easy easy...
Need to thanks my lecturer and God...
God bless me well...haha...
Anyway I still have two more papers need to do...
Hope God will bless me too...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~Intermediate English

What the hell...
The English reading comprehension part is really difficult...
After exam,everyone was talking about this...
I really no idea about it...
Lucky the cloze passage and grammar is quite easy...
The essay is the diffrentiate between airplanes and trains...
Before exam,I thought I can do well on it...
But the reading comprehesion really kill us...haha...
Anyway I still have three more papers to go...
I should concentrate on it...
Put my last effort....
God bless me well...
And bless everyone who is taking exam now too...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

For Cynthia

Cynthia is the winner of The Most Natural Face Search 2008...
Really congratulations to her...
Proud of her...Well done^^

Cynthia wins a Mini Cooper...My dream car...haha
Although is a old version Mini Cooper...
But still look damn nice...
Envy and desire to have it...

And the most important is no waste my effort to vote for her...

Anyway really happy to hear this good news...

Thanks Elin to tell me the latest news...

I feel sad I can't attend the final show...

I can't share the happy moment with them too...
She has a nice costume...

This banner is decorate by my brother,Nelson...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Jerry 的故事



經過18小時的外科 手術,以及密集照顧,


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm already finish my all presentation...


But I now need to prepare for my final examination...

I'll try my all best on my final exam...

Hope everything will go smooth....

Johor Bahru

After my final exam, I'll go to J.B.
I already one year don't go there...
Miss my all relatives and the food much...
Now I'm thinking to pack my luggage...
J.B. I'm coming soon...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


不论做什么事情, 只要能一起,就是好的,
你开始发现了对方的缺点, 於是问题一个接著一个发生,
有人说爱情就像在捡石头, 总想捡到一个适合自己的,

但是记住人是有弹性的, 很多事情是可以改变的,
只要你有心、有勇气, 与其到处去捡未知的石头,
很多人以为是因为感情淡了, 所以人才会变得懒惰。
错! 其实是人先被惰性征服, 所以感情才会变淡的。

*在某个聚餐的场合, 有人提议多吃点虾子对身体好, 这时候有个中年男人忽然说「十年前,当我老婆还是我的女朋友的时候,她说要吃十只虾,我就剥二十只给她! 现在,如果她要我帮她剥虾壳,开玩笑!我连帮她脱衣服都没兴趣了,还剥虾壳咧!

如果每个人都 懒得讲话、 懒得倾听、 懒得制造惊喜、 懒得温柔体贴,
那么夫妻或是情人之间, 又怎么会不渐行渐远渐无声呢?
所以请记住: 有活力的爱情, 是需要适度殷勤灌溉的,

*有一对情侣,相约下班後去用餐、逛街,可是女孩因为公司会议而延误了, 当她冒著雨赶到的时候已经迟到了30多分钟, 他的男朋友很不高兴的说: 你每次都这样,现在我甚么心情也没了, 我以後再也不会等你了! 刹那间,女孩终於决堤崩溃了, 她心里在想:或许,他们再也没有未来了 *同样的在同一个地点,另一对情侣也面临同样的处境; 女孩赶到的时候也迟到了半个钟头,他的男朋友说:我想你一定忙坏了吧! 接著他为女孩拭去脸上的雨水,并且脱去外套盖在女孩身上, 此刻,女孩流泪了, 但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的。 你体会到了吗?*


很多事可能只是在於你心境的转变罢了! 懂了吗?


只是你没发 觉而已呢?

让彼此喘不过气来, 完全丧失了爱情的乐趣。




是为对方默默祈求, 而不是向对方诸多要求;

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Memory Keeper's Daughter

The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards

Families have secrets they hide even from themselves...

It should have been an ordinary birth, the start of an ordinary happy family. But the night Dr. David Henry delivers his wife's twins is a night that will haunt five lives for ever.

For though David's son is a healthy boy, Paul and his daughter, Phoebe has Down's syndrome. And, in a shocking act of betrayal whose consequences only time will reveal, he tells his wife, Norah Henry their daughter died while secrestly entrusting her care to a nurse, Caroline Grill.

As grief quietly tears apart David's family, so a little girl must make her own ay in the world as best she can.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sandisk Cruzer Titanium Plus

Since I lost my thumb drive yesterday...

So I do some research about USB flash drive...

I want to buy a 4GB flash drive....

Aftern finish the research,I think Sandisk Cruzer is what I want...

I dediced to buy it...

If online buying then te price is $29.99 and shipping s $7...

But I don't think I'll buy from online shopping...

Cause I can't wait it to deliver...

I will go to shop and get it...

Thumb Drive

My CARELESS make me lost my thumb drive...

Even is my first time lost it but still feel sorry to everybody...

Sorry to my parent cause they need to buy another one to me...

Sorry to my coursemate cause the all assignments are gone...

Sorry to my presentation partner that I lost our presentation...

Sorry to myelf too cause I'm lost my all effort...

Sorry to my thumb drive cause I'm not a good owner...

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry and Sorry!!!

One of my friend said that recently I'm very bad luck...

I also and strongly believe that...

Hope my bad luck will gone together with my thumb drive...

And don't want let me know who is taken my thumb drive away...

'You' cause me need to redo anything...Hate it...

But obviously it is my fault too...

If I'm got plug out my thumb drive :

If I'm not rush to have a lunch with friend:

If I'm help my friend to search information:

Then I wouldn't lost my thumb drive...
I'm not a God and I can't expect anything...

Now I just can console myself that is time to buy a new one...

Maybe is another good news too...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


If I show this on my oral presentation I will get more marks...
But I don't show it...sad and sad...
Lecturer said my presentation is very boring and everybody feel asleep...
Maybe is my fault... But now already pass... Nothing can do...
Now I'm concentrate on my next presentation...
lots of work need to do... and final exam is coming soon...
Good luck and God bless me...

"Awaken the Giant"

Anthony Robbins

Publication : 1993

Six Steps To Emotional Mastery


Adapted form the book called Awaken the Giant within by Anthony Robbins

Why These Six Steps?

a. Able to take very quick control of your emotions.
b. Find the benefit of that emotion.
c. Set somebody up so that in the future he/she can get the lesson from the emotion.
d. Eliminate the effect or pain of emotions more quickly

Step 1: Identify what you're really feeling

~Take a moment to identify what you're really feeling
~Begin to question your emotions
~Use transformational vocabulary
~Able to lower the emotional intensity

Step 2: Acknowledge and appreciate your emotions, knowing they support you

- Trust your emotions; even you do not understand them at the moment.
- Because each emotions you are experiencing is there to support you in making a positive change
  • You will immediately stop the war with yourself

  • You will have toward simple solutions

  • Your emotions will calm down immediately

Step 3: get curious about the message this emotion

* Getting curious helps you : -

  • Master your emotion
  • Solve the challenge
  • Prevent the same problem occuring in future

*Four questions to feel the emotion, get curious about what it really has to offer you

i. What do I really want to feel

ii. What would I have to do to believe in order to feel the way I've been feeling?

iii. What am I willing to do to create a solution and handle this right now?

iv. What can I learn from this?

Step 4 : Get confident

= Get confident that you can handle this emotion immediately

= Remember a time when you felt a similar emotion

= Realize that you've successful handled this emotion before

= Thus, you already have a strategy of how to change your emotional states

= Then, do the same again with confidence that it will work just as it did before

Step 5: Get certain you can handle this not only today but in the future as well

~~How do you apply Step 5?

Firstly, remember tha ways you have handled in the past

Secondly, rehearse handling siutaions where this emotion would come up in the future

Thridly, see, hear and feel yourself handling the situations easily

Lastly, a neutral pathway of certainly that you can easily deal with such challenges.

Step 6 : Get excited and take action

- Get excited that you able to handle this emotion easily

- Take some action right away to prove that you've slove it

- Express yourseld by using what you rehearsed internally

- This will change the way you feel today and the way how you deal with this emotion in future

Saturday, November 15, 2008






Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Water~^ ^

Yesterday about 10.30pm my aunty (owner) was told me that we now facing a big problem...

I just looked at her and continued listen...

She said that our house was no water after 9pm...

And just have the water after 5am...

I asked why like this?she just shaked her head...

But I think is not a big problem for me...

Just a problem is when midnight you want go to washroom,there no water for you...

So before 9pm we need to keep water...Just a little bit trouble...

Hope change to normal as soon as possible...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~10th Nov 2008

Today already is Week 12...

Still have another two weeks then is my final exam...

Today lecturer tells that we can start to study all the time now...

He hope wont see us at the next sem...

Today his lecture is very fun...

I think because of the topic...

Is talking about computer history and industry...

But we have our quiz 2 on Thursday...

It will cover out four chapter...

Tomorrow I need to pass up my Finite Math assignment...

Thursday is my study skills assignment due date...

Week 12 is a busy with assignment and quiz...Lots of work...

I need to do this things for many years...

Study life...Study life...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~80% Attendance

Just now my mummy is calling to me...

She said that my daddy today receive a letter which is from my college...

The letter is written I already skip my class many times...

And I can't skip for more than 20% attendance...

Now if I skip one more class I can't have my final exam...

But just for this subject not all subject...

I don't go for class just most of the reason is oversleep...haha...

I think Week 2 till Week 4 I just skip my class...

After that I don't absent from my class...

From now I need to go all class even have parent letter or MC...

Hope every college or university student care about the attendance...

Good luck to u all...

God Bless You..

Thursday, November 6, 2008


但是老虎緊追不捨, 他一直跑一直跑一直跑,
最後被老虎逼入了斷崖邊上。 站在懸崖邊上,他想:

他縱身跳入懸崖, 非常幸運的卡在一棵樹上,
那是長在斷崖邊的梅樹, 樹上結滿了梅子。

正在慶幸的時候, 他聽到斷崖深處傳來巨大的吼聲,
獅子的聲音使他心顫, 但轉念一想:


當他一放下心, 又聽見了一陣聲音,
正用力地咬著梅樹的樹幹。 他先是一陣驚慌,

情緒平復下來後, 他感到肚子有點餓,
看到梅子長得正好, 就採了一些吃起來。
找到一個三角形樹丫休息, 他想著:

他在樹上沉沉的睡去了。 睡醒之後,
他發現黑白老鼠不見了, 老虎、獅子也不見了。
他順著樹枝, 小心翼翼的攀上懸崖, 終於脫離險境。

原來就在他睡著的時候, 飢餓的老虎按捺不住,
終於大吼一聲, 跳下懸崖。 黑白老鼠聽到老虎的吼聲,

死亡,就像一頭兇猛的獅子, 一直在懸崖的盡頭等待,
總有一天我們會落入獅子的口中 。

就是安然地享受樹上甜美的果子, 然後安心地睡覺,


如果剛才你和另一半或是和家人為了芝麻綠豆的事鬧翻了,現在頭頂還在生煙的話,請你看看那晴朗的天空和那飄渺的白雲,其實你又錯過了美好的一天呀 !


Wonderful Night^^

Tonight I have a good chat with my dude,Robert...
Actually Robert is not her real name...
I'm just get used to call her Robert...
Because when she dance is just like a Robert...muahaha...
We have a chat about two hours...
Now I'll help her to change Friendster layout...
She doesn't know how to do it...
Anyway is time to me to change it...
Good Night and sweet dream...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~English Quiz 2

Yippie...Finish my English Quiz 2...
Relax,relax and relax...
Actually just write an essay...
The title is the process to recycle aluminium cans...
Easy right???hehe
We need to write 350-400 words...
Hope will get high mark...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~3rd November 2008

Today can say that is whole day with Davka...

We chat and discuss many topics...

We talk about study,future,career,hair,shoe,bag......

Basically, is not a first time but today is break our record...

We have class at 8-10am till have breakfast with Tsog...

Tsog is a Mongolian guy...A special name but difficult to pronouce...

While Davka and Tsog is talked they use Mongolian...

Then they will use English to speak to me again...

Feel like very funny...

After that,I back to my home to take my note...

Davka will be wait for me at Pizza Hut...

We sit and talk at Pizza Hut till 1pm then we move to Secret Recipe...

That time Secret Recipe is crowded because of the lunch time...

I just order Grilled BBQ Chicken which is nice but too sweet...

Davka has Irish Lamb Stew with a bun,taste nice too...

We at there till 3.15pm then we go to WN Stationery to collect note...

Then we have class at 3.30pm...

Our English class today is quite funny...

Because nobody is listened to the Miss Sharmila,our lecturer...

She keep ask us "Is anybody with me?"Haha...

Surprisingly I finish my class at 4.45pm early 15 minutes...

Then I just straight walk back with a raining evening...

Next I will have a rest till 7pm...

When 5.45pm I recieve Mages message...

She told me that the showtime has taken place well...

And will tell me more detail tomorrow...

I will post it when I get the information...Haha...

( To Be Continued )

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I just now want delete other folder but
I delete Bond folder...
I need to download their music again...
Oh My God...
I already have all the music...
Now need to download again...
Waste my time...
And the connection damn slow...
Need much time to download it...
Bad luck...


Recently the connection is damn not stable...

Always fail to connect...

Make me more boring and nothing to do at here...

Is not me don't want update my blog...

Is the connection make me can't update...

Sad Sad and Sad...

Every time during weekend the connection will become more terrible...

It will totally can't connect...Disappointed

It suck being try to connect...
Hope next time wont like that again...

A Boring Sunday

A boring Sunday???
Definitely is damn damn boring...
Nothing to do today...
Just at my room do the same thing...
Online chatting and do my Computing notes...
Like usual nothing special...
Wanna hang out with friends also feel lazy...
And want to save money...
If not parent will require why spend so much...Haha...
No choice...
They don't know actually their daughter already very save...
No hang out,no shopping...
Just study and online chatting...
Yup I know they also need to pay for online...
Yesterday my friends want hang out...
She say she will come to fetch me then take another friend...
But she don't come...Maybe she busy with work...
No transport at here make me can't do anything...
If now at my hometown I already at outside with friends...
It is impossible to stay at home for whole day...
Sudden feel miss my hometown and friends...
Some friends already few months don't meet...
Are they fine now???Stii busy with study and work???
Whatever...Hope they are fine...
Now already is evening...
The network still is no network...Haiz...
I want to download movie also difficult...
Hope will better at night...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~Mid-term

Now is already week 9 for my first semester...
Week 8 is our mid-term...
Week 15 is our final exam...
Last week I just finish my mid-term...
The exam is not very tough...
Actually some question is taking from the tutorial...
But just for the multiple choice question...
For the short essay and essay questions is hard to do...
I know what is the question but is hard to write out the answer...
First I have my Intermediate English exam paper...
Lucky the summary is easy...
Study Skills is the next exam paper...
Is my first time to have exam at Study Skills...
For this,I not very know how to answer it...
Actually it is all the common sense but......
The next exam paper is Finite Mathematics...
I don't know how to do the functions and draw the graph...
It'll make me lost some few marks...
Lastly is Computing Principles...
Is the most subject that I put my effort...
But still answer the paper very bad especially for the short essay...
Monday,20th Oct...
Early in the morning I wake up...
Once enter the class,the lecturer is said that
He very very disappointed with our result...
He told us that once we still put more effort on Computing Principles,
we maybe will fail at the final exam...
Our result almost all is below 10% out of 20%...
We all shock when hear it...
We thought we will pass for it...
But the lecturer said that our answer is not he required...
So sad about it...
We all tell ourselves that we still have enough time to study...
Final exam is our last hope...
We promise sure we need to answer very very well...
Good luck to all of friends...
But we also need to take good care of our health...
God bless you...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Davka House...

27th September 2008

Aram (Korea)~Me~Mages(KL)~Davka (Mongolia)
I just want to get the photo then post to my blog...

Finally we all already get the photo from Aram...

That day we have our replacement class for Finite Math...

Our class is till 12.30noon...

Then Aram,Mages,Davka and I have lunch at KFC...

We meet Raymon at here...

About 2pm we go to Davka house at Sri Penaga...

Her house is damn nice...the view,environment,surrounding...

We all like her house in first sight...haha

The rental is quite expensive for a student...

There got 4 person in a house...

The rental for one person need rm750...

Aram and I play the keyboard...

Such a long time I already don't play it...

Then we have snack food together...

We watch DVD...Hanniball and Take the Lead...

Both are nice movie...But we all prefer Take the Lead...

While we watch the DVD,Davka is cooking Mongolia food to us...

She also serves us Kimchi which bought at Cold Storage...

We drink wine and champion...

Our face look red after drink...

We will back to our home about 7.30pm...

Aram stay one day at Davka house...

That day is an unforgetable day...

Sweet Memory...

Nice to be u all friends...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hari Raya Holiday...29th Sept-5th Oct...

29th September 2008

Wooh Wooh Wooh...Yippy....
Finally I have a six days holiday...
Actually just has five days holiday...
I skip one day class...
Because of the fxxk ticket...
All body want back to holiday and celebrate hari raya...
So the ticket is all finish...Lucky still got ticket to me...
I reach hometown at 11pm something...
Just arrive my sweet home,I eat eat eat...
My parent they take away yummy food to me...feel Touch...
I just simply say I want have this food...
My parent really go to buy for me...Thanks...

30th October 2008
I wake up at early in the morning...
Wanna be a housemaid...My maid is back to Indonesia...
Damn pity...Need to sweep and mop floor...
Spend my whole morning at it...
My mum,bro and Tiff are going to Penang...
My relatives they'll reach Penang about 12noon...
My dad is go to work and the house just me alone...
I turn on the TV and listen Hitz Song...
2pm my dad back and say that we need go to Pantai have lunch...
I quickly take bath then drive to destination...
Reach there already 3.30pm...
After that we go to visit my 2nd aunty...
We chit-chat till 7pm then go to Sungai Petani...
My niece's 12 years old birthday...
We reach my home at 11pm...
1st October 2008
Wake up early in the morning...
Having breakfast with my aunty...
Fetch them to my another aunty house to chat...
Later we go to market to buy breakfast and cake...
When reach home I need to sweep and mop the floor...
They all have lunch at outside but I stay at home...
Cause I need to take care Tiff...
Give Tiff bath and wear new shirt...
After that we just have dinner at home...
2nd October 2008
Nothing special today...
Fetch my aunty them go to another aunty house again...
When back also sweep and mop the floor...
Have lunch at outside...But this time is different...
Mum is stay at home to take care Tiff...
Our lunch is Bro Eric treat us...Thanks lot...
After dinner,my cousin,bro and I go to temple...
We at there till 10.30pm...
We feel hungry then my dad and uncle go to have supper...
We have nasi lemak,roti canai and chay kuey teow...
Is totally very full...Yummy...
3rd October 2008
My relatives they all will go to Hatyai,Thailand for travel...
10am the van is reached and they start their trip...
My bro will go to Penang...
His laptop keyboard got some problem...
Need to take to the Compaq company to do...
It need about one month to repair and cost rm500...
At 6.30pm I go to Season salon to change my hair style...
I like my new hair style...It take 40 minutes to cut my hair...
I drive my car to fill petrol...
When back already 8pm...
My bro and his two friends reach home at 1.30am...
His friends will stay at our home till monday...
4th October 2008
Today is Saturday...
We all sleep till 11am just wake up...
My bro and friends go to Yan with chang yuan...
They all wan take some natural waterfall view...haha...
When they are back is already 4pm...
That time my parent and I is having tea time...
Then I'm download the movie and they complain cannot connect...
I just connect with broadband not wireless...
Now they can connect and run more fast...
They watch movie through youtube...
They have dinner at the Tesco...
5th October 2008
Wake up at 10am...
My realtives they back from travel...
And they reach my home at 11.30am...
We all shock when see them back so early...
Acually is my uncle they need go to KL to visit relatives...
They scare have a traffic jam at highway...
So they need to start the journey early...
We have fish curry as our lunch...
After lunch,my uncle they go to KL...
And my parent friends they back to Butterworth...
When back my bro sweep and mop the upstair floors...
And I will clean the downstair floors...
We all have dinner at Padang Lembu...
After dinner I need to take bus ack to KL...
12am my bus is start the journey...
I will reach KL at 6am...
8am I have class...
Feel tired when like this...
But I enjoy my holiday much...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

One Utama again...

That day after eat and watch DVD at Davka house...
I decide to go One Utama again...
Cause I want to buy a new bag...
Early I already aim a bag...
Unfortunately that time din buy it...
So I plan this time sure wan buy it before back to hometown...
The 1st thing when I reach there is direct go to buy the bag...
I like this bag much...Love^^
After I bag this bag I pass by Padini Concept Shop...
Plan wan buy a shirt to Tiff...
Finally din buy it cause Tiff already has many clothes...
Scare when buy back to home my family will ask why buy to Tiff...
So I give up to buy the clothes to Tiff...
Then I walk and go in Romp...
I walk walk walk then a shirt attract me...
This is the shirt that I like...

I decide to buy this...

When want to test the shirt,I see this white shirt...
And I try it too...
But I din buy it...
Cause feel like very normal...haha...

This maybe will buy next time...hehe...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~Finish quiz,assignment and presentation...

Finally no need worry about the quiz,assignment and presentation now...
English's quiz
Finite Mathematics' quiz
Computing Principles' assignment and presentation...
That time feel alone and busy with coursework...
Feel lonely is because my roommate,Shanny is back to the hometown...
She has a 10days holiday...
She already finishes the mid-term exam...
Congratulation to her...
Finally can relieve the pressure from examination...
I still have two weeks to go...
Need to face the mid-term exam soon...
Need to study start from now...haha...
The lecturer also say that need to study now...
Feel happy because the quiz,assignment and presentation is finished...
But now need to worry about the mid-term again...
Study life is like that...
Always is busy with the coursework and exam...
Can say is non stop...
Wanna relax awhile also feel cant....
Scare is not enough time to study...
After exam all look will become very tired...
So we need to take care ourselves...
Now we all can handle it...
Good luck to all of u...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~1st Presentation


Finally my presentation is finished...

But still have many presentation waiting for me...

My partner,Sash and I do well in our presentation...

Cause we just read through the projector...

We no time to memorize it...

We done our business proposal at 1.30pm...

Our presentation is at 2pm...haha...

That why we don't have enough time to memorize...

Is not because we lazy then don't do the proposal...

Just our title is so unique...

Our title is Child Tracking Device...how a interesting title...

Then we need use more time to think how to write our proposal...

So far we do very well with it...

Feel proud of ourselves...Yeah...

After we all presentation, Mr. Siva our lecturer...

He makes a conclusion about the all presentation...

He say that we all done well than the last sem student...

He also say that our mark range minimum is 7...

10 is the full mark...our class highest mark is 9.5...

We hear it then clap for ourselves...

Hope we next presentation will maintain like this...

I have upload some example of tracking device...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~Busy with the Computing Principles's coursework

Tomoro is my presentation day...

A group has two persons and just need present 5 minutes...

Can imagine that our presentation is like that short...

Now I'm doing it at my coll learning space (computer lab)...

Here always crowded cause after class they all usually come here online...

I seldom online at here...But now is no choice...

Cause need to do the assignment with my partner,Sash...

I'm waiting her for coming now...

She already late for a long time...

Wait she till asleep...hehe...

Just now already find something that maybe can use for our assignment...

Later wait Sash come and make confirm it...

At here everything is good...

Have a few classmate now is very close...

Everyday has breakfast n lunch together...

We'll chit-chat non stop...

Happy can be friend...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dreams Never Die

Anne Frank
Diary Of Anne Frank

She spent 25 months hiding from the Nazia in an attic with her family during World War II...

The diary se wrote while hiding has become one of the most wdely read books in the world...

Frank McCourt

Angela Ashes

He was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Irish immigrant parents.

Unable to find work in the depths of the Depression, the McCourts returned to Ireland, where they sunk deeper into the poverty McCourt describes so movingly in his memoir, Angela's Ashes.

For Veron...


She just now update her blog....

Actually I wan go to view she write about the money not enough 2...

But I have see a different Veron...

She write out the feeling with her dear...

She say she'll come to KL study soon...

That time is difficult to date wif her dear...

Feel touching when read her post...

I think today realy a happy sunday for she n her bf....

I have leave a comment to her...

Hope she will always sweet sweet wif her bf...

And spend this two weeks with her bf well...

They will go to Genting Highlands...

Wish them enjoy it...

Miss u Veron...

Take care...

Friday, September 19, 2008

For Chung Yee

Oh Chung Yee...
This name I'll always remember forever...
She is my only friend that I'm quarrel...
Since the quarrel we don't talk to each other...
After that she change to another secondary school...
Just remind it seems like already passed six years...
How a long time...
Feel sorry with her and regret...
Regret the stupid quarrel just because the small thing...
I admit that time we all still small not enough mature...
I remember she has give a pair of friendship key chain...
She has take one and I take the other one...
Key chain till now I still keep it...
If i'm no wrong when we quarrel she throw the key chain at floor...
That time we all just very angry...
We have a serious quarrel...
She tell this to our discipline teacher...
My another guy friend also got involve this quarrel...
Because of this thing he are in the school black list...
Feel sorry to him too...
Lucky he and I now are close friend...But she???
Why I sudden will talk this funny and old story???
I think maybe I meet her at the facebook...
Surprisingly we chat at the profile's wall...
It make me remind this...
Thank you facebook...
I sincerely hope that our friendship will start again at this moment...
God please bless our friendship...
This thing make me this few years feel regret...
I reallt don't know she will read this post not...
But I just want to say out my feeling...
I hope everyone of you read this post will appreciate ur dear friend...
Wish everybody friendship forever...
Good luck...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Uni Coll's Life~Chat+Chat+Chat

Wooh Wooh Wooh...
How a unforgetable lunch again...
Korean,Mongolian,Indian and Malaysian...
Yuppy...Have lunch together...
Talk about languages,cultures,foods...
Exchange many many things...
We just chit-chat and chit-chat...
Spend got two hours time...
Sudden feel that can know some friends from other country is good...
At least we will learn more thing...
A good news...Like it much...
I think they are friendly,kindly,cutely,pretty....
Very glad to meet them...
Now we everyday having lecturer,tutorial,breakfast and lunch together...
We also want hang out at Saturday or Sunday...
Look forward when go shopping with them...
I strongly believe that it'll fun...
Anyway thanks for be my friends,dear...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Vote Vote Vote

Vote vote vote...

Vote for Cynthia Hong to be Ms Natural...
She is my close friend...

Who view this blog sure must vote her...

Is easy to vote...
Just need to sign up then login...

Is simple right?

And u also need to remmeber your username and password...

So hurry up to vote her...

Trust me she should be Ms Natural...
No one can fight with her in natural face...haha...

Dearest Min,

Hope this post can help u at the most natural...

I'll always support u...

Good luck again...

Miss u...Muacksss

U want to know more about natural?
can view this website...is will help u...