Sunday, October 10, 2010


What is future? I strongly believe that everyone is thinking about this and planning for your whole life. There have plenty of people fail to plan for their future, but some are really good with that. It is obvious to know that as they've succeed in career and have a happy family. What are the things that they still need or desire? I'm not sure for that, at least they already have almost all the stuff. If they're greedy, maybe they'll require more. As I know that, people are always dissatisfy the belongings and demand for more and more. But do they think properly that, once they already achieve it, they will try to acquire other things or goods. The satisfaction of desire and greedy is unlimited. Is it kinda scary? Surprisingly I'll say yes. That's why for now on, I just wanna to have the things and future that I want, I'll try to have a high demand and infinity greedy.

Actually I already planned my future at years ago and I couldn't ensure that I would follow my plan and do for it. But I believe that it is good to know what you should do and it will be the happiest things that can ever happen to me. Now, I need to plan for my study and if follow my plan I'll further study to UK and I'll choose University of Middlesex and after that will proceed to University of Leeds or Sheffield to complete my Master. That is one more thing that I'm not sure yet, which is I don't know what I wanna major. Clinical Psychology? Forensic Psychology? Child? Family? or even psychiatrist? If I can do it, I wanna be a psychiatrist, but I know that it's not an easy. I'll try to achieve it and of course I'll work hard on it to become a psychiatrist. That's my currently plan for my future.

I know that my planning has less something that is important for everyone, which is love. I always think and believe it is not a suitable time to have boy friend during education time. Probably, this thinking will occur is because the family and environment. My brothers begin to date with girls when they almost finish their study and have Ms. Right when they already begin their career. So, I think I'll choose the same way with them as well. In addition, at this moment, I still can't find my Mr. Right. I need to be patient and look forward to wait him appear. I don't care when, but is better before 30 years old. Ha Ha!

Hope that I can follow my plan and achieve it whithin the period. I think I need luck and bless.