Monday, September 14, 2009

Mongolian Words

I have learned some basic Mongolian words from Davka and Zula. Now I just realize that is not that kind of easy to learn a new language especially a language that you never hear from other poeple. So, here some of the good and bad Mongolian words.

Thank you = Bayartaa
You're welcome = Chi neeltei
Goodbye = Bayartai
Wassup = Yu Aina Da

Shut up = Amaa Tat
Kill you = Aliishu
You're bitch = Chi Gichii
You're ugly = Chi Muu Tsarai Muut

I'll try to learn more and more. I just can say that the pronounciation is totally different and difficult to pronounce properly. I think there just has benefit to learn another language. Now I should learn other languages from my foreign friends.