Monday, March 9, 2009


A true leader accepts responsibility for his/her choices and the impact those choices have on others;
A true leader has the courage to stand up for his/her convictions even in the face of unpopularity;
A true leader show compassion for others,not just in words,but in deeds and actions;
A true leader has a humanity for a greater purpose,not just for early rewards.

From Anne Davis

Leadership involves a variety of skills. Leaders must have skills in communicating effectively, listening actively, working with people, and helping others work together in group. Leaders must have integrity and honesty. Good leader must first learn to be followers. Leader doesn't dominate in group, but lead by his or her actions. Leader need changes with the situation, thus different poeple can lead at different times. The best leader takes on many different roles to support the needs of the group. True leader focus on helping his or her groups achieves its goals rather than on his or her own recognition.

Leadership can be learned just like other skills, but it requires practice and determination. So, everyone can be a leader. The best way to learn leadership skills is work on leadership-related skills and apply them in situation require leadership action. Focusing on five leadership skills areas will help you strenthen and improve your leadership ability.

  1. Understanding self- understand and develop a positive attitude
  2. Communicating- effective two way sharing of information through speaking, listening, writing, and body language.
  3. Getting along with others- develop and understand of how you relate to other people and accept and appreciate the difference between others and yourself.
  4. Managing- Learn steps and approaches to make decision, set goals, and choose resources to achieve those goals.
  5. Working with groups- Learn how to work together

Is easy to be a leader but is difficult to become a good leader.